I’M IN RIO ~ playing choro and working on a book with Paulo Sa. So far it’s been fun & music, but the work starts next week. If you’d like to get a daily update on how the trip goes & a photo-a-day, you can visit my blog, Celebrating a Year @ http://mairmusic.wordpress.com/
MEU BANDOLIM IS WINNING PRAISE! ~ My new all-Brazilian CD is getting the thumbs-up from Brasileiros and classical aficionados alike. Particular favorites seem to be two of my own compositions, “Isso, “ (That’s It!) and “Siga Em Frente,” (Go Straight Ahead). You can now order your copy from my webpage, http://www.marilynnmair.com/ or you can hear these two songs by going to my…
NEW MYSPACE PAGE ~ Yes, folks I have finally done it! http://www.myspace.com/marilynnmair A new year’s resolution completed by January 2nd—amazing! I just finished it, so please visit & listen because as of now I have NO FRIENDS! Luckily I know for sure that isn’t true.
AMGuSS IS BACK IN FEBRUARY~ The ever-delightful American Mandolin & Guitar Suitcase Seminars will be holding the 2nd annual Winter Orchestra Week-end, on February 26-28, 2010, on the campus of Roger Williams University in Bristol RI. Workshops on musical form and technique will combine with orchestra rehearsals and sectionals, and culminate in a public concert by the American Mandolin & Guitar Orchestra (yes, that includes all students and faculty) that will be held in the Mary Tefft White Center on the RWU campus. Classes and rehearsals will be held in the beautiful newly-opened Global Heritage Hall on campus, and we’ll begin with an orchestra rehearsal on Friday night, February 26. Join Ralph Costanza, Bob Sullivan, Bob Martel, and me for a fun weekend dedicated to the fine art of playing in a conducted ensemble of plucked strings. Tuition for the week-end is $100. Contact Ralph Costanza @ email hidden; JavaScript is required for details on how to register and pay. Orchestra music, which will include 2 new Australian pieces for mandolin orchestra as well as some old favorites, will be emailed out at the end of January.
Participants can once again arrange to stay at the lovely waterfront Bristol Harbor Inn. We have reserved a group of rooms for the event. (http://www.bristolharborinn.com/) Be sure to ask for the special rate for the RWU Mandolin/Guitar Seminar. Meals will be available on campus and in nearby Bristol.
BRAZILIAN MUSIC IN FEBRUARY ~ Brighten your New England winter with a musical taste of Rio de Janeiro. The Alive Arts Series at Roger Williams University presents:
“Meu Bandolim” on Monday, February 8, 8:00 PM, at their Performing Arts Center, One Old Ferry Road, Bristol, RI.
The night of Brazilian music will feature Luiz Simas, piano, and me for the first set, performing music from “Meu Bandolim,” followed by a 2nd set of choro performed by the Boston-based regional, Choro Democrático, led by Fernando Brandão, on flute. Admission is free, and if you like what you hear you can pick up a copy of the CD. LIVE/WHIRLED CONTINUES ~ with concerts in February and March. On Sunday, February 7, The Essential Quintet, directed by composer, Steven Jobe, will present “Real-Whirled” at Perishable Theatre, 95 Empire Street, Providence RI. The group performs arrangements of American and European folk music and original compositions inspired by traditional styles. Bringing perspectives from a variety of musical backgrounds, the performers seamlessly weave innovative ideas and improvisational spontaneity throughout their concerts. For “Act 2”, the band will teach any audience members willing, the steps and lyrics of a traditional medieval round dance. Admission is $10/$8. Call 401-331-2695 for reservations.
On March 7, I’ll be performing a Brazilian program “Rio-Whirled,” with special musical guests, to end the series. More details will be in the next newsletter.
The next issue of “MARILYNN ON MANDOLIN” will be out in March. Until then I send you all a Feliz Anno Novo from Rio! May this new decade be wonderful in every way.